The soil survey, a crucial step in geotechnical engineering

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Soil investigations are essential for the remediation of a building site, for the evaluation of its permeability, and for other plot-specific elements. Experts in geotechnical engineering are in charge of this mission!

A very useful service

A geotechnical study gives precise indications as to whether a surface is developable or exploitable. Several criteria are checked by the specialist conducting the analysis. The latter gauges the texture and permeability of the land under consideration. The geotechnician also measures the depth of the soil and the possible presence of mineral matter, pebbles or stones. A hydrogeological study of the soil also takes place on this occasion. This survey allows us to determine if there is water on the site and whether it is present on an occasional or permanent basis. The depth of the water table is also measured. The study also determines whether the land in question is located in a flood zone. Two surveys complete this already very detailed analysis. The first is topographical and indicates the slope of the land. The second one gives additional information on this parcel.

Sanitary criteria of permeability

The soil plays an important role in the wastewater treatment process. It contributes to this end, after the passage of the water through the septic tank. The engineering office appointed for the analysis of the soil must therefore take into account its compatibility. In this case, this quality depends on the speed at which the water is evacuated. If the soil is sandy, the flow is faster. If the soil is more clayey, it is impermeable and the water must generally be evacuated towards a ditch. Soil surveys also check for the presence of groundwater to avoid any risk of pollution. The technicians, therefore, estimate the coefficient of permeability of the soil (k), which is equivalent to the time it takes for water to infiltrate it, in millimeters per hour (mm/h). These specialists are at your service!

The geotechnical engineer, a qualified contact

A geotechnical engineer is able to provide advice to various types of clients. They can be private individuals, industrialists, or real estate developers. Public authorities also use this type of service. In addition to construction projects, soil investigations also concern the damage suffered by a structure. In collaboration with an expert, the civil engineering specialist carries out an analysis to establish the reasons for the damage and how to repair it in order to set up an industrial project. Here again, the geotechnical engineer leads the field team, including sounders and surveyors. This manager is also in charge of drawing up an estimate beforehand. He also plans the intervention on site and ensures the smooth running of each operation during the study.

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